(FAQ for the Clueless)

What is Oddities?
It's a webcomic, you idiot.

I am not familiar with these webcomics you speak of. What are they?
Comics. On the web.

What's the comic about?
It has a little bit of everything! Real life, sci-fi, superheroes, action, adventure, gaming, and just plain strangeness.

Some of these comics aren't funny. WTF?
Though Oddities is mainly a comedy, there is a touch of drama to it sometimes. I try not to have too much drama, but sometimes I get carried away.

Who are the characters?
Oddities is based around Guy, a semi-psychotic superhero, but he is accompanied by an array of interesting friends and foes. Check out the Cast page for more information on the characters.

Where does the comic take place?
Oddville, a small town located in an unspecified part of America.

When was Oddities created?
The concept for Oddities first came to me in the summer of '03. At this time, I created the first four comics. I didn't continue the series until January 2004 though.

Why did it take you so long to continue?
Procrastination mostly.

What do you use to make the comic?
The first four comics were made with plain ol' pencil and paper. Color was later added to the first strip with Adobe Photoshop. Everything beyond those first four is made entirely in MS Paint.

Your art sucks. I hate you.

Seriously though, why use MS Paint?
To be honest, I really like MS Paint. I can make some neat-looking cel-shaded images in a short amount of time. I know the product isn't as cool-looking as, say, Penny Arcade. But it looks okay, right?

No, it doesn't.

Use another program.

Why don't you update more?
Shocking as it may be, I do have a life outside Oddities. As much as I'd love to update every day that I say I will or maybe even more, sometimes I simply can't.

I want to be a rapper when I grow up.
No you don't.

Will you ever hand-draw Oddities again?
Doubtful. Not soon anyways. You see, my scanner only scans in black, white, and sometimes yellow. It also scans weird lines of mysterious origin. This isn't very helpful when making comics. So maybe when/if I get a new/better scanner, I will hand draw Oddities again. But don't hold your breath.

Oddities is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Oddities © 2003-2004 Robert MacLeod (Urza).