AGE: 18
LIKES: violent video games
DISLIKES: stupidity
BIO: Matt is a person with little tolerance for stupidity. Unfortunately for him, everywhere he goes seems to host the most idiotic people. Because of this, Matt drowns his stresses in video games and arcades. He can often be found playing violent video games at the local arcade, the Carpal Tunnel... or he could... until Guy blew it up.

Matt was the original owner of the third floor room in the Oddville Apartments. When his first roommate left, complaining that Matt was too violent for him, Matt was left with a rent that he couldn't quite afford alone. This led Matt to go roommate searching. He expected to meet some weird people this way but not as weird as Guy. To this day, Matt questions his sanity at the time of accepting the superhero as a roommate, and he's regretting it now that all he does is leech off his money. Guy's delusional fantasies seem to drive Matt crazier and more violent by the day.

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